Gostega'r storom gref

(Gweddi am Nerth)
Gostega'r storom gref,
  Diflanned tarth yn lân,
A gad i'm llygaid weled dydd
  Yn olau rhydd o'm blaen;
Dwg fi i'r ardal glir
  Uwch diffaith dir ei ryw,
Ac na ddoed cwmwl byth i'r fan
  Bo f'enaid gwan yn byw.

Mewn trallod rho dy help,
  Ti wyddost 'd wyf ond gwan,
A chynnal â'th anfeidrol fraich
  Tan lwythog faich fi i'r lan;
Fel teithiwy'r tyle serth
  Yng nghadarn nerth y ne',
Heb ofni gelyn ar un llaw
  Nes myned draw i dre.

Cyflawnir gair fy Nuw,
  A doed hi fel y del,
Cans holl amcanion nefoedd fry
  Bob sillaf sy dan gel;
Ac ar ei air a'i nerth,
  A dwyfol werth ei waed,
Mi af trwy'r holl elynion hy
  I mewn i dŷ fy Nhad.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Gobaith (Thomas Price 1857-1925)

  Fe enillodd Iesu'r dydd
  Mi wela(f) fyrdd dan sel

(Prayer for Strength)
Calm the strong storm,
  May the uproar vanish completely,
And let my eyes see day
  In free light before me;
Lead me to the clear region
  Above the land of a ruined kind,
And may the cloud never come to the place
  Where my weak soul should live.

In affliction give thy help,
  Thou knowest that I am but weak,
And hold, with thy immeasurable arm
  Under a heavy burden, me up;
As I travel the steep hill
  In the secure strength of heaven,
Without fear of an enemy on any hand
  Until going yonder into town.

To be fulfilled is the word of my God,
  And let it come as it will,
Since all the purposes of heaven above,
  Every syllable, are under a seal;
And on his word and his strength,
  And the divine worth of his blood,
I will go through all the haughty enemies
  Into the house of my Father.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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